"Today For You, Tomorrow For Me"


Oh good grief. Why is it that whenever I get to that point in a particular scheme where I can’t back out, things just get more and more difficult?

You may, if you have eyes, have read in previous posts about Rent coming to Levin (or really Levin coming to Rent, it is their local performing arts group doing it.) Well, I booked tickets for Tim and I for tomorrow night. Well it’s Rent, I have to go.

It is times like this that a car would be useful (indeed, a driver’s liscence at all.) Tim has work at 7am on Friday (I know, it’s ANZAC day, way to honour the fallen with frappucinos, Starbucks), and there are no late trains or busses out of Levin on a Thursday night. The Friday night show isn’t an option as Tim has work at 6am the next day, and we have no way of getting to the Saturday night one. We are going to get the commuter train to Levin after I finish work tomorrow, but after the show we have six or so hours to kill until our 5.30am bus back to Wellington. Unfortunately their McDonalds isn’t open 24 hours on a Thursday and I don’t fancy living on the streets for the night so…we have had to book ourselves $90 worth of motel accomodation (the cheapest we could find! There are no hostels!) from after the show till 5.00am.

So, I really, really hope the show is good.

What if the audience is tiny? What if the performers have no chemistry? What if they have an unconvincing Angel? What if nobody starts to moo during Over The Moon?

As you can see I am very nervous about the whole operation especially since I am going to end up spending a week’s pay on it (And Tim’s only there under the “you have to be nice for my birthday” clause.)

On a more culinary note, I have been tagged again! This time by super-blogger Amy, who wants me to post ten of my favourite food photos that I have taken. This is quite good actually because I am far too frazzled to upload the photos of what I made for dinner tonight. Funnily enough, not many come from the fledgeling, badly-lit days of my blog, but if you feel like a chuckle then peruse the archives by all means.

Above: This is actually one of my earlier shots, from October in fact. I made the incredible Rhubarb Vanilla Mincemeat from Nigella’s Feast, and thought a close-up shot would look rather nifty. It kinda does, right? Click *here* to see the link to the original post, and how it all turned out.

Above: This is a vegetable stew – Tunisian if I remember correctly? – again from Feast. Nigella fully opened me up to the magical world of vegetable stews, which are far more delicious than the stringy name would indicate. I made this dish for a family birthday party when Tim and I flew up home for the Muse concert. The light at home seems so much nicer than in the flat. I suspect the fact that our flat is wedged halfway down a valley with a thousand other flats squidged around it might play a part… Click *here* for the original post.

Above: One from our new camera, this home-made Creme Fraiche picture was taken recently (you could scroll down if you like but I’ll give you the link anyway!) This photo is quite important to me as it’s the only photo I’ve managed to get onto Tastespotting, and it ended up being one of the top 25 most popular photos of the week! You would not believe how flipping excited I was about this – well, maybe you would.

Above: This is another one taken with our new camera. I made the Chocolate Guinness Cake from Feast, which has become one of the more popular cakes in the flat. What can I say, it’s an amazing recipe. I liked the light and the colouring in this photo – plus photos of cakes and desserts are always more popular, aren’t they!

Above: This photo is from the Christmas Feast I cooked for the flat last December, and do click *here* for the original post, I’d be most obliged if you’d read about how it unfolded. Because flatmate Emma is celiac, I tried my best to keep the whole meal gluten free but I couldn’t get around Rugelach (again from Feast) which I had been longing to make. Consisting of varying proportions of butter, dough, chocolate and brown sugar, it’s no wonder I loved them. This photo isn’t very well lit but I like the composition and I like that it reminds me of that fun time.

That’s not anywhere near ten photos but it’s all I (and possibly you, dearest reader), have the energy for right now. Isn’t it funny that four of the photos are from Feast? (ooh, try saying that quickly.) I guess it’s just a right place, right time thing. Anyway it’s getting late and I have to pack, and worry, and dither, and all sorts of other time consuming things. As with my previous post, I can’t think of anyone else to tag, but if you feel like having a reconaissance through your favourite photos knock yourself out and say it was at my insistence.

This time tomorrow, we’ll be seeing Rent! I’m nervous, but I’m excited…but I’m nervous…I’m in a glass cage of emotion!

6 thoughts on “"Today For You, Tomorrow For Me"

  1. Kay says:

    Hmmm -maybe you could use some of the birthday $ for the accommodation costs. There is a certain irony about having to pay “rent” albeit for less than one night, in order to see “Rent”. I hope all goes well with your intrepid journey to Levin – be kind to the place – it’s full of your distant rellies. Looking forward to your review. I love the rhubarb photo – and the creme fraiche photo too.


  2. A & N says:

    Hey honey, Thanks for joining in! Your photos are excellent – I love the photo of the veggie stew. btw, in case I forgot to mention….you need to “tag” some other people now. Hope that’s okay. See my blog 🙂Amy xxx


  3. Marc @ NoRecipes says:

    Great photos! Feast is one of my favourite cookbooks! I’ve not tried the tunisian veggie stew yet though now I’ll have to. I haven’t quite figured out how tastespotting works. For some reason they haven’t posted a single pasta I’ve submitted and yet there are other things that have gone up that I almost didn’t bother submitting…


  4. Laura @ Hungry and Frozen says:

    Mum: Thanks 🙂 turned out not to be not so intrepid after all…Amy: Couldn’t think of anyone else that hadn’t already been tagged sorry 🙂Lina: Thanks for stopping by 🙂Kevin: That cake is requested every time I say I’m going to bake something LOL.Marc: It’s such a great book, the stew is well worth checking out. Haven’t managed to figure out Tastespotting’s methods at all LOL.


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